• Charles Meanwell's latest body of work draws inspiration from Sudbury's unique terrain - flat and undramatic until it unexpectedly gives way to the iconic rock of the Canadian Shield. Growing up, Meanwell says that Sudbury was a place to pass through on the drive to his family cottage north of Manitoulin. Through his window the city receded into a moving background, distilled into blurred outlines and blocks of colour. Early experiences such as these had a profound influence on Meanwell’s approach to painting. Line and shape are what compel Meanwell to paint a landscape. He has always been less concerned with the specifics of a place.

  • Charles Meanwell, Turquoise Sky, 2024

    Charles Meanwell

    Turquoise Sky, 2024
    oil on panel
    14 x 14 in.
    $ 3,600.00
  • Last fall, Meanwell revisited Sudbury, but this time as his end destination. He connected deeply with the unassuming beauty and the unexpected incidents of colour and form. He made two subsequent trips since then, the works made on location culminating in this remarkable exhibition, Sightings.
  • 'I paint the spaces between the objects, and between the objects and the frame, rather than the objects themselves, making...
    Charles Meanwell
    Blocks, 2024
    oil on panel
    14 x 14 in.
    $ 3,600.00

    "I paint the spaces between the objects, and between the objects and the frame, rather than the objects themselves, making the subject of the painting the arrangement, rather than the content, of the painting. The arrangement is a given to which I am obedient. Any contribution I make is ruinous to the painting: in other words, I have to be told where to put things by the things."


    - Charles Meanwell

  • 'I paint quickly so I don’t have time to think. Thought is the enemy: if I know where I am...
    Charles Meanwell
    Curved Pole, 2024
    oil on panel
    18 x 18 in.
    $ 4,800.00

    "I paint quickly so I don’t have time to think. Thought is the enemy: if I know where I am going, I can’t get there. A painting is a dialogue between the perceived world and the board, the board rules, and the shapes on the board can become modified to cohere with the shapes out there. I trust my hand: if it errs, I put something beside the shape to make it belong in the rectangle. I rarely change a line or a colour. Every shape is a commitment."


    - Charles Meanwell

  • Charles Meanwell, Snow and Sky, 2024

    Charles Meanwell

    Snow and Sky, 2024
    oil on panel
    16 x 18 in.
    $ 4,800.00
  • When asked if his practice is based on instinct, Meanwell replies that it is based on obedience. As he describes, “I am told where to place things by the elements in the landscape that I am painting." It is as though Meanwell slips into a near meditative state before painting in order to avoid any superfluous marks that might distract from the poetry of line, colour, and composition. The result is a series of minimal paintings composed of evocative, yet stripped back forms, which articulate only the essential qualities of the landscape.
  • Charles Meanwell, Five Rocks, 2024

    Charles Meanwell

    Five Rocks, 2024
    oil on panel
    14 x 14 in.
    $ 3,600.00

    Charles Meanwell has painted his surroundings for the last 40 years in a style that is characterized by gestural brushwork expressed with minimal means. His immediate style is reminiscent of the work of David Milne, Milton Avery, and Barker Fairley, the latter being an important mentor to Meanwell. In addition to painting his hometown of Hamilton, Ontario, Meanwell has completed several site specific projects situated in Newfoundland, Georgian Bay and the North Shore of Lake Superior.

    Charles Meanwell was born in Windsor, Ontario in 1946 and currently resides in Hamilton. Museum exhibitions include Painting Hamilton at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2014; On the Ground, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario, 2010; Windsor Paintings, Windsor Art Gallery, Ontario, 2008 and Things Seen, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, 1995.